Module sentspace.utils.misc
Expand source code
import concurrent.futures
import hashlib
import math
import pdb
import pickle
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from time import time
# import seaborn as sns
import nltk
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as sio
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
from nltk import pos_tag
from scipy.stats import percentileofscore, zscore
from tqdm import tqdm
# from zs import ZS
_START_TIME = time()
def START_TIME(): return _START_TIME
# lemmas=WordNetLemmatizer()
# def import_franklin_sentences_set3(filename):
# f2g = []
# with open(filename, 'r') as file:
# for line in file:
# if line.startswith('passage') or line == '\n':
# pass
# else:
# f2g.append(line.strip('\n').split())
# return f2g
# def import_data(filename, dtype=None):
# """
# Import text file with \n after each line.
# Pre-computed GloVe vectors can be loaded as:
# glove_embed = import_data('../glove/vectors_243sentences.txt', dtype=lambda x: float(x))
# """
# f1g = []
# with'.zip', 'r') as file:
# for line in file:
# tokens = line.split()
# if dtype:
# tokens = [dtype(token) for token in tokens]
# f1g.append(tokens)
# return f1g
# def get_wordlst(f1g):
# """
# Given list of sentences (each a list of tokens), return single list of tokens
# """
# wordlst = []
# for sentence in f1g:
# for word in sentence:
# wordlst.append(word)
# return wordlst
# def get_sent_num_passsage(f1g, lplst):
# """
# Given list of passage no. for each sentence, return sentence no. within passage (for each word)
# """
# sent_num = 0
# snplst = []
# current_label = lplst[0]
# for sentence, label in zip(f1g, lplst):
# sent_num += 1
# if label != current_label:
# sent_num = 1
# current_label = label
# for word in sentence:
# snplst.append(sent_num)
# return snplst
# download NLTK data if not already downloaded
def download_nltk_resources():
for category, nltk_resource in [('taggers', 'averaged_perceptron_tagger'),
('corpora', 'wordnet'),
('tokenizers', 'punkt'),
except LookupError as e:
except FileExistsError:
def md5(fname) -> str:
'''generates md5sum of the contents of fname
fname (str): path to file whose md5sum we want
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(fname, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
return hash_md5.hexdigest()
def sha1(ob):
ob_repr = repr(ob)
hash_object = hashlib.sha1()
return hash_object.hexdigest()
def parallelize(function, *iterables, wrap_tqdm=True, desc='', **kwargs):
"""parallelizes a function by calling it on the supplied iterables and (static) kwargs.
optionally wraps in tqdm for progress visualization
function ([type]): [description]
wrap_tqdm (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to True.
desc ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
[type]: [description]
partialfn = partial(function, **kwargs)
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
if wrap_tqdm:
return [*tqdm(, *iterables), total=len(iterables[0]), desc='[parallelized] '+desc)]
return, *iterables)
# this might be data-dependent
def load_passage_labels(filename):
Given .mat file, load and return list of passage no. for each sentence
labelsPassages = sio.loadmat(filename)
lP = labelsPassages['labelsPassageForEachSentence']
return lP.flatten()
# this might be data-dependent
def load_passage_categories(filename):
Given .mat file, load and return list of passage category labels
labelsPassages = sio.loadmat(filename)
lP = labelsPassages['keyPassageCategory']
return list(np.hstack(lP[0]))
def get_passage_labels(f1g, lplst):
Given list of passage no. for each sentence, return list of passage no. (for each word)
lplst_word = []
for i, sentence in enumerate(f1g):
for word in sentence:
return lplst_word
# this might be data-dependent
def load_passage_category(filename):
Given .mat file, return category no. for each passage
labelsPassageCategory = sio.loadmat(filename)
lPC = labelsPassageCategory['labelsPassageCategory']
lPC = np.hsplit(lPC,1)
lpclst = np.array(lPC).tolist()
lpclst = lpclst[0]
lpclst = list(chain.from_iterable(lpclst)) # Accessing the nested lists
return lpclst
def merge_lists(list_a, list_b, feature=""):
'''Input: Two lists with potentially missing values.
Return: If list 1 contains NA vals, the NA val is replaced by the value in list 2 (either numerical val or np.nan again)
# count_a, count_b, count_na = 0, 0, 0
merged = []
for val1, val2 in zip(list_a, list_b):
merged += [val2 if np.isnan(val1) else val1]
# if not np.isnan(val1):
# merged.append(val1)
# count_b += 1
# else:
# merged.append(val2)
# if not np.isnan(val2):
# count_a += 1
# else:
# count_na += 1
return merged
n = len(merged)
print(feature, f"| number of values derived from original form: {count_b}, {count_b/n*100:.2f}%")
print(feature, f"| number of values derived from lemmatized form: {count_a}, {count_a/n*100:.2f}%")
print(feature, f"| number of values = NA: {count_na}, {count_na/n*100:.2f}%")
# def compile_results(wordlst, wordlst_l, wordlst_lem, taglst, is_content_lst, setlst,
# snlst, lplst_word, snplst, wnslst, catlst, wordlen, merged_vals):
# def compile_results(wordlst, wordlst_l, wordlst_lem,
# taglst, is_content_lst, setlst,
# snlst, wordlen, merged_vals):
# """
# Return dataframe: each row is a word & its various associated values
# """
# result = pd.DataFrame({'Word': wordlst})
# result['Word cleaned'] = wordlst_l
# result['Word lemma'] = wordlst_lem
# result['POS'] = taglst
# result['Content/function'] = is_content_lst
# result['Set no.'] = setlst
# result['Sentence no.'] = snlst
# #result['Passage no.'] = lplst_word
# #result['Sentence no. within passage'] = snplst
# #result['Word no. within sentence'] = wnslst
# #result['Broad topic'] = catlst
# result['Specific topic'] = ['']*len(wordlst)
# result['Word length'] = wordlen
# result['polysemy'] = merged_vals['polysemy']
# # List what you want the columns to be called
# cols = {'NRC_Arousal': 'Arousal',
# 'NRC_Valence': 'Valence',
# 'OSC': 'Orthography-Semantics Consistency',
# 'aoa': 'Age of acquisition',
# 'concreteness': 'Concreteness',
# 'lexical_decision_RT': 'Lexical decision RT',
# 'log_contextual_diversity': 'Contextual diversity (log)',
# 'log_lexical_frequency': 'Lexical frequency (log)',
# 'n_orthographic_neighbors': 'Frequency of orthographic neighbors',
# 'num_morpheme': 'Number of morphemes',
# 'prevalence': 'Prevalence',
# 'surprisal-3': 'Lexical surprisal',
# 'total_degree_centrality': 'Degree centrality',
# 'polysemy':'Polysemy',
# 'num_morpheme_poly':'Number of morphemes poly',
# #'Pronoun Ratio':'Pronoun Ratio'
# }
# for key, val in cols.items():
# result[val] = merged_vals[key]
# return result
# def conform_word_lex_df_columns(df):
# # List what you want the columns to be called
# cols = {'NRC_Arousal': 'Arousal',
# 'NRC_Valence': 'Valence',
# 'OSC': 'Orthography-Semantics Consistency',
# 'aoa': 'Age of acquisition',
# 'concreteness': 'Concreteness',
# 'lexical_decision_RT': 'Lexical decision RT',
# 'log_contextual_diversity': 'Contextual diversity (log)',
# 'log_lexical_frequency': 'Lexical frequency (log)',
# 'n_orthographic_neighbors': 'Frequency of orthographic neighbors',
# 'num_morpheme': 'Number of morphemes',
# 'prevalence': 'Prevalence',
# 'surprisal-3': 'Lexical surprisal',
# 'total_degree_centrality': 'Degree centrality',
# 'polysemy':'Polysemy',
# 'num_morpheme_poly':'Number of morphemes poly',
# }
# df.rename(columns=cols)
# # Remove empty column that are vestiges of temporary analyses
# df = df.drop(columns=['Specific topic'])
# return df
# def transform_features(df, method='default', cols_log=None, cols_z=None):
# df = df.copy()
# if method == 'default':
# cols_log = ['Degree centrality', 'Frequency of orthographic neighbors']
# if cols_log:
# for col in cols_log:
# df[col] = np.log10(df[col].astype('float')+1)
# df = df.rename({col: col+' (log)'})
# df = df.rename(columns={col: col+' (log)' for col in cols_log})
# if cols_z:
# for col in cols_z:
# df[col] = zscore(df[col].astype('float'), nan_policy='omit')
# df = df.rename(columns={col: col+' (z)' for col in cols_z})
# return df
# # return df_main
# def countNA(lst):
# """
# Return number of NAs in a list
# """
# return sum(np.isnan(lst))
# def countNA_df(df, features='all'):
# """
# Given dataframe of words and feature values
# Return list of number of NAs in each word's features
# """
# if features == 'all':
# features = ['Age of acquisition', 'Concreteness', 'Prevalence', 'Arousal', 'Valence', 'Dominance', 'Ambiguity: percentage of dominant', 'Log lexical frequency', 'Lexical surprisal', 'Word length']
# df = df[features]
# return list(df.isnull().sum(axis=1))
# def uniqueNA(df, feature):
# """
# Given dataframe of words and feature values & desired feature,
# return set of unique words with NA in given feature
# """
# return sorted(set(df['Word cleaned'][df[feature].isna()]))
# def avgNA(result, feature):
# """
# Return fractions of words with NA (for given feature) in each sentence
# """
# return result.groupby('Sentence no.').apply(lambda data: countNA(data[feature])/len(data))
# def get_NA_words(result, wordlst_l, features):
# """
# Return list of words that have NA in at least one of the specified features
# """
# big_u_lst = []
# for feature in features:
# big_u_lst.extend(uniqueNA(result, feature))
# u_lst = sorted(set(big_u_lst))
# return (big_u_lst, u_lst)
# def avg_feature(data, feature, method):
# """
# Return average value of feature
# """
# if method=='strict':
# data = data.dropna()
# elif method=='all':
# pass
# else:
# raise ValueError('Method not recognized')
# return np.nanmean(np.array(data[feature], dtype=float))
# def get_sent_vectors(df, features, method='strict', content_only=False,
# save=False, save_path=None, **kwargs):
# """
# Return dataframe of sentence embeddings (each row as a sentence)
# Method:
# 'strict' - if a word has NA in any feature, it is skipped in the sentence average for all features
# 'all' - use all non-NA values for sentence average in any feature
# content_only - if True, use content words only in a sentence
# """
# pronoun_ratios = kwargs.get('pronoun_ratios', None)
# content_ratios = kwargs.get('content_ratios', None)
# if content_only:
# df = df[df["Content/function"] == 1]
# sent_vectors = pd.DataFrame({'Sentence no.': df['Sentence no.'].unique()})
# df = df[features + ['Sentence no.']].groupby('Sentence no.')
# for name, feature in zip(features, features):
# sent_vectors[name] = list(df.apply(lambda data: avg_feature(data, feature, method)))
# if pronoun_ratios is not None:
# sent_vectors['Pronoun ratios'] = pronoun_ratios['pronoun_ratio']
# # if content_ratios is not None:
# # sent_vectors['Content ratios'] = content_ratios['content_ratio']
# if save:
# sio.savemat(save_path, {'sent_vectors': sent_vectors.drop(columns=['Sentence no.']).to_numpy()})
# return sent_vectors
# def get_differential_sents(embed1, embed2, n, result, method='euclidean'):
# """
# Print sentences with the largest distance between the two input embeddings
# Return index of these sentences (return 1-indexed; assume sentence no. are 1-indexed)
# """
# if method == 'euclidean':
# func = ssd.euclidean
# elif method == 'correlation':
# func = ssd.correlation
# elif method == 'cosine':
# func = ssd.cosine
# else:
# raise ValueError('Method not implemented')
# diff = np.array([func(embed1[i], embed2[i]) for i in range(len(embed1))])
# top_diff_ind = (-diff).argsort(axis=None)[:n]
# top_diff_sent_no = [i+1 for i in top_diff_ind]
# print('Sentences with largest differences:', top_diff_sent_no)
# for i, idx in enumerate(top_diff_ind):
# sent_no = idx+1
# sent = result[result['Sentence no.'] == sent_no].sort_values('Word no. within sentence')
# print(f'{i+1}, sentence {sent_no}: ', list(sent['Word']))
# # print('Number of NA features for a word:', countNA_df(sent, features='all'))
# # print(f'Value in embedding 1: {x[idx]}, embedding 2: {y[idx]}')
# print(f'Distance: {diff[idx]}')
# print()
# return top_diff_sent_no
########## PMI Block ##############
def GrabNGrams(sentences, save_paths):
save paths is a list =
sample = sentences
google1 = ZS('PMI/google-books-eng-us-all-20120701-1gram.zs')
google2 = ZS('PMI/google-books-eng-us-all-20120701-2gram.zs')
# break sentences into strings
def populate(sentences):
ngra = dict()
nm1gra = dict()
for sentence in sentences:
tokens = sentence.lower().split()
tokens = ['_START_'] + tokens + ['_END_']
for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 1):
ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 1])] = 0
#print 0, (tokens[t], tokens[t + 1])
nm1gra[tokens[t]] = 0
for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 2):
ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 2])] = 0
#print 1, (tokens[t], tokens[t + 2])
for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 3):
ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 3])] = 0
#print 2, (tokens[t], tokens[t + 3])
nm1gra[tokens[len(tokens) - 1]] = 0
for t1, t2 in ngra.copy().keys():
ngra[(t2, t1)] = 0
return ngra, nm1gra
ngrams, nm1grams = populate(sample)
# fetch ngram and n-1gram
def fetch(ngra, z=google2, zm1=google1):
ngram_c = 0
ngram_str = " ".join(ngra)
for record in
entry = record.split()
if entry[1] == ngra[1]:
ngram_c += int(entry[3])
if nm1grams[ngra[0]] > 0:
nm1gram_c = nm1grams[ngra[0]]
nm1gram_c = 0
for record in[0]):
entry = record.split()
if entry[0] == ngra[0]:
nm1gram_c += int(entry[2])
return ngram_c, nm1gram_c
surprisals = dict()
for ngram in ngrams.copy().keys():
#print ngram
ngrams[ngram], nm1grams[ngram[0]] = fetch(ngram)
#with open(save_path+'/PMI/ngrams.pkl', 'w') as f:
with open(save_paths[3], 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(ngrams, f)
#with open('PMI/nm1grams.pkl', 'w') as f:
with open(save_paths[4], 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(nm1grams, f)
def pPMI(sentences, save_paths):
save paths is a list =
sample = sentences
with open('PMI/ngrams.pkl', 'r') as f:
ngrams = pickle.load(f)
with open('PMI/nm1grams.pkl', 'r') as f:
nm1grams = pickle.load(f)
N = 356033418959 # US american english v2 google ngrams
nm1grams['_START_'] = float(sum([ ngrams[w] for w in ngrams.keys() if w[0] == '_START_']))
def calc_prob(sentences, ngra=ngrams, nm1gra=nm1grams, ALPHA=0.1, lag=0):
assert lag <= 2, 'impossible lag'
results = []
Z = len(ngrams.keys())*ALPHA + N
for sent in sentences:
string = sent[0]
tokens = string.lower().split()
mi = 0
# No lag
for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 1):
joint_c = log(ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 1])] + ngra[(tokens[t + 1], tokens[t])] + ALPHA)
x_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys()))
y_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t + 1]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys()))
pmi = max([0, (joint_c + log(Z) - x_c - y_c) / log(2)])
mi += pmi
# 1 word lag
if lag >= 1:
for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 2):
joint_c = log(ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 2])] + ngra[(tokens[t + 2], tokens[t])] + ALPHA)
x_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys()))
y_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t + 2]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys()))
pmi = max([0, (joint_c + log(Z) - x_c - y_c) / log(2)])
mi += pmi
# 2 word lag
if lag >= 2:
for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 3):
joint_c = log(ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 3])] + ngra[(tokens[t + 3], tokens[t])] + ALPHA)
x_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys()))
y_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t + 3]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys()))
pmi = max([0,(joint_c + log(Z) - x_c - y_c) / log(2)])
mi += pmi
results.append(','.join(sent[0].strip('\n'), str(mi)))
return results
result = calc_prob(sentences, lag=0)
printstring = "\n".join(result)
#with open('PMI/pPMI_0.csv', 'w') as f:
with open(save_paths[0], 'w') as f:
result = calc_prob(sentences, lag=1)
printstring = "\n".join(result)
#with open('PMI/pPMI_1.csv', 'w') as f:
with open(save_paths[1], 'w') as f:
result = calc_prob(sentences, lag=2)
printstring = "\n".join(result)
# with open('PMI/pPMI_2.csv', 'w') as f:
with open(save_paths[2], 'w') as f:
########## End PMI Block
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
This function can be used to print out how big a file is
''' by Fred Cirera,, modified'''
for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']:
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
num /= 1024.0
return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
def GrabNGrams(sentences, save_paths)
save paths is a list = ['output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_0.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_1.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_2.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_ngrams.pkl', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_nm1grams.pkl']
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def GrabNGrams(sentences, save_paths): ''' save paths is a list = ['output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_0.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_1.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_2.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_ngrams.pkl', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_nm1grams.pkl'] ''' sample = sentences google1 = ZS('PMI/google-books-eng-us-all-20120701-1gram.zs') google2 = ZS('PMI/google-books-eng-us-all-20120701-2gram.zs') # break sentences into strings def populate(sentences): ngra = dict() nm1gra = dict() for sentence in sentences: tokens = sentence.lower().split() tokens = ['_START_'] + tokens + ['_END_'] for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 1): ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 1])] = 0 #print 0, (tokens[t], tokens[t + 1]) nm1gra[tokens[t]] = 0 for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 2): ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 2])] = 0 #print 1, (tokens[t], tokens[t + 2]) for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 3): ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 3])] = 0 #print 2, (tokens[t], tokens[t + 3]) nm1gra[tokens[len(tokens) - 1]] = 0 for t1, t2 in ngra.copy().keys(): ngra[(t2, t1)] = 0 return ngra, nm1gra ngrams, nm1grams = populate(sample) # fetch ngram and n-1gram def fetch(ngra, z=google2, zm1=google1): ngram_c = 0 ngram_str = " ".join(ngra) #pdb.set_trace() for record in entry = record.split() if entry[1] == ngra[1]: ngram_c += int(entry[3]) if nm1grams[ngra[0]] > 0: nm1gram_c = nm1grams[ngra[0]] else: nm1gram_c = 0 for record in[0]): entry = record.split() if entry[0] == ngra[0]: nm1gram_c += int(entry[2]) return ngram_c, nm1gram_c surprisals = dict() for ngram in ngrams.copy().keys(): #print ngram #pdb.set_trace() ngrams[ngram], nm1grams[ngram[0]] = fetch(ngram) #with open(save_path+'/PMI/ngrams.pkl', 'w') as f: with open(save_paths[3], 'w') as f: pdb.set_trace() pickle.dump(ngrams, f) #with open('PMI/nm1grams.pkl', 'w') as f: with open(save_paths[4], 'w') as f: pickle.dump(nm1grams, f)
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def START_TIME(): return _START_TIME
def download_nltk_resources()
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def download_nltk_resources(): for category, nltk_resource in [('taggers', 'averaged_perceptron_tagger'), ('corpora', 'wordnet'), ('tokenizers', 'punkt'), ]: try:'/'+nltk_resource) except LookupError as e: try: except FileExistsError: pass
def get_passage_labels(f1g, lplst)
Given list of passage no. for each sentence, return list of passage no. (for each word)
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def get_passage_labels(f1g, lplst): """ Given list of passage no. for each sentence, return list of passage no. (for each word) """ lplst_word = [] for i, sentence in enumerate(f1g): for word in sentence: lplst_word.append(lplst[i]) return lplst_word
def load_passage_categories(filename)
Given .mat file, load and return list of passage category labels
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def load_passage_categories(filename): """ Given .mat file, load and return list of passage category labels """ labelsPassages = sio.loadmat(filename) lP = labelsPassages['keyPassageCategory'] return list(np.hstack(lP[0]))
def load_passage_category(filename)
Given .mat file, return category no. for each passage
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def load_passage_category(filename): """ Given .mat file, return category no. for each passage """ labelsPassageCategory = sio.loadmat(filename) lPC = labelsPassageCategory['labelsPassageCategory'] lPC = np.hsplit(lPC,1) lpclst = np.array(lPC).tolist() lpclst = lpclst[0] lpclst = list(chain.from_iterable(lpclst)) # Accessing the nested lists return lpclst
def load_passage_labels(filename)
Given .mat file, load and return list of passage no. for each sentence
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def load_passage_labels(filename): """ Given .mat file, load and return list of passage no. for each sentence """ labelsPassages = sio.loadmat(filename) lP = labelsPassages['labelsPassageForEachSentence'] return lP.flatten()
def md5(fname) ‑> str
generates md5sum of the contents of fname fname (str): path to file whose md5sum we want
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def md5(fname) -> str: '''generates md5sum of the contents of fname fname (str): path to file whose md5sum we want ''' hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(fname, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest()
def merge_lists(list_a, list_b, feature='')
Input: Two lists with potentially missing values. Return: If list 1 contains NA vals, the NA val is replaced by the value in list 2 (either numerical val or np.nan again)
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def merge_lists(list_a, list_b, feature=""): '''Input: Two lists with potentially missing values. Return: If list 1 contains NA vals, the NA val is replaced by the value in list 2 (either numerical val or np.nan again) ''' # count_a, count_b, count_na = 0, 0, 0 merged = [] for val1, val2 in zip(list_a, list_b): merged += [val2 if np.isnan(val1) else val1] # if not np.isnan(val1): # merged.append(val1) # count_b += 1 # else: # merged.append(val2) # if not np.isnan(val2): # count_a += 1 # else: # count_na += 1 return merged n = len(merged) print(feature, f"| number of values derived from original form: {count_b}, {count_b/n*100:.2f}%") print(feature, f"| number of values derived from lemmatized form: {count_a}, {count_a/n*100:.2f}%") print(feature, f"| number of values = NA: {count_na}, {count_na/n*100:.2f}%") print('-'*79)
def pPMI(sentences, save_paths)
save paths is a list = ['output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_0.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_1.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_2.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_ngrams.pkl', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_nm1grams.pkl']
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def pPMI(sentences, save_paths): ''' save paths is a list = ['output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_0.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_1.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_pPMI_2.csv', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_ngrams.pkl', 'output_folder/03252021/PMI/example_nm1grams.pkl'] ''' sample = sentences with open('PMI/ngrams.pkl', 'r') as f: ngrams = pickle.load(f) with open('PMI/nm1grams.pkl', 'r') as f: nm1grams = pickle.load(f) N = 356033418959 # US american english v2 google ngrams nm1grams['_START_'] = float(sum([ ngrams[w] for w in ngrams.keys() if w[0] == '_START_'])) def calc_prob(sentences, ngra=ngrams, nm1gra=nm1grams, ALPHA=0.1, lag=0): assert lag <= 2, 'impossible lag' results = [] Z = len(ngrams.keys())*ALPHA + N for sent in sentences: string = sent[0] tokens = string.lower().split() mi = 0 # No lag for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 1): joint_c = log(ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 1])] + ngra[(tokens[t + 1], tokens[t])] + ALPHA) x_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys())) y_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t + 1]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys())) pmi = max([0, (joint_c + log(Z) - x_c - y_c) / log(2)]) mi += pmi # 1 word lag if lag >= 1: for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 2): joint_c = log(ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 2])] + ngra[(tokens[t + 2], tokens[t])] + ALPHA) x_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys())) y_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t + 2]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys())) pmi = max([0, (joint_c + log(Z) - x_c - y_c) / log(2)]) mi += pmi # 2 word lag if lag >= 2: for t in range(0, len(tokens) - 3): joint_c = log(ngra[(tokens[t], tokens[t + 3])] + ngra[(tokens[t + 3], tokens[t])] + ALPHA) x_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys())) y_c = log(nm1gra[tokens[t + 3]] + ALPHA * len(ngrams.keys())) pmi = max([0,(joint_c + log(Z) - x_c - y_c) / log(2)]) mi += pmi results.append(','.join(sent[0].strip('\n'), str(mi))) return results result = calc_prob(sentences, lag=0) printstring = "\n".join(result) #with open('PMI/pPMI_0.csv', 'w') as f: with open(save_paths[0], 'w') as f: f.write(printstring) result = calc_prob(sentences, lag=1) printstring = "\n".join(result) #with open('PMI/pPMI_1.csv', 'w') as f: with open(save_paths[1], 'w') as f: f.write(printstring) result = calc_prob(sentences, lag=2) printstring = "\n".join(result) # with open('PMI/pPMI_2.csv', 'w') as f: with open(save_paths[2], 'w') as f: f.write(printstring)
def parallelize(function, *iterables, wrap_tqdm=True, desc='', **kwargs)
parallelizes a function by calling it on the supplied iterables and (static) kwargs. optionally wraps in tqdm for progress visualization
- [description]
, optional- [description]. Defaults to True.
, optional- [description]. Defaults to None.
- [description]
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def parallelize(function, *iterables, wrap_tqdm=True, desc='', **kwargs): """parallelizes a function by calling it on the supplied iterables and (static) kwargs. optionally wraps in tqdm for progress visualization Args: function ([type]): [description] wrap_tqdm (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to True. desc ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: [type]: [description] """ partialfn = partial(function, **kwargs) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: if wrap_tqdm: return [*tqdm(, *iterables), total=len(iterables[0]), desc='[parallelized] '+desc)] return, *iterables)
def sha1(ob)
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def sha1(ob): ob_repr = repr(ob) hash_object = hashlib.sha1() hash_object.update(ob_repr.encode('utf-8')) return hash_object.hexdigest()
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B')
This function can be used to print out how big a file is
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def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'): ''' This function can be used to print out how big a file is ''' ''' by Fred Cirera,, modified''' for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)